


LD4DStudio uses a whole bunch of files to store used information for things like displayed language, LDraw color information and the Minfig generator configuration.

All these files are human readable XML files you can edit if needed. On these pages you will find the information needed to edit or create these XML files in order to extend or customize the functionality they provide. e.g. adding privately used special LDraw colors or creating a Language file for your native language.

Do note these files can be hard to edit due to their complexity, never the less I will do my best in explaining their inner secrets.

Generic file format rules

All files managed by LD4DStudio (excluding the LDraw cache file) are straight forward XML files. So all generic XML file rules also apply to LD4DStudio files. In addition to those rules I worked with the following base rules.

  • All files must have UTF-8 encoding.
  • All files (except language files) have a root Element name starting with "LD4DStudio".
  • The root element can specify a structure version using the attribute "strucVer" with a value of e.g. "1.1".
  • All element names start with capital letter as do all additional words in the name (e.g. "ThisIsAnExample").
  • All attribute names start with a lowercase letter but all additional words will have capitals. (e.g. "thisIsAnExample").
  • All element and attribute names are case sensitive.

Be sure to respect these rules in order to prevent loading errors.

Now you are familiarized with the general rules let's go on to the specific file types.

Warning: Undefined variable $doNavBar in /home/xzalenl/sites/ld4dstudio-nl-classes.php on line 80
1 Language files
2 Material files
3 Minfig generator file
4 Tablet sheet files
5 Core files
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